CENTURY 21 Lakeside Realty
Northeast Ohio Real Estate - Mahoning, Columbiana, Trumbull, Portage, Summit, Ashtabula, Carroll, Jefferson Counties
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Our Agents
First Name
Last Name
Marwan Alie
Warren/Howland Office
A.J. Allen
Firestone Farms Columbiana Office
Jacqueline Anderson
Austintown Office
Monica Anderson
Austintown Office
Ramsay Bagheri
Austintown Office
Tonya Barth
Firestone Farms Columbiana Office
George Berick
Austintown Office
Teresa Berick
Austintown Office
Timothy Blythe
Canfield Office
Rebecca Brewer
Firestone Farms Columbiana Office
Timothy Britt
Austintown Office
Brock Broxson
Austintown Office
Gwen Bush
Austintown Office
Mary Catherine Butcherine
Austintown Office
Lindsay Campbell
Austintown Office
Tiffany Cappelli
Austintown Office
Stacie Cashbaugh
Austintown Office
Tiffany Chetock
Firestone Farms Columbiana Office
Andrea Chianello
Austintown Office
Maureen Cline-Skowron
Austintown Office
Colleen Conroy
Austintown Office
Sam Cook
Austintown Office
Kerry Cross
Austintown Office
Chris Cruciger
Firestone Farms Columbiana Office
Bill Cruciger
Austintown Office
Melissa DeFabbo
Austintown Office
Dawn Delorenzo
Austintown Office
Annette DePalmo
Austintown Office
Jessica Dew
Austintown Office
Mandie Dillon
Canfield Office
Levi Dixie
Austintown Office
Sandy Dobransky
Austintown Office
Zakk Easterbrook
Austintown Office
Sonja Ezzo
Austintown Office
Jodi Fincham
Austintown Office
Sharon Flask
Austintown Office
Niki Frenchko
Austintown Office
Jason Freudenberg
Austintown Office
Maggie Garland
Canfield Office
Evelyn George
Austintown Office
Grant "Ken" Gibson
Austintown Office
Marcia Greening
Firestone Farms Columbiana Office
Jim Grope
Austintown Office
Ashley Guylitto
Firestone Farms Columbiana Office
Alisha Hall
Canfield Office
Sylvia Halt
Austintown Office
Amanda Hamilton
Canfield Office
Kelly Haren
Canfield Office
Tami Harris
Firestone Farms Columbiana Office
Jennifer Henderson
Austintown Office
Leslie Hetherington
Austintown Office
Lauren Hill
Austintown Office
Jessica Hinerman
Firestone Farms Columbiana Office
Joe Hood
Austintown Office
Katy Horner
Austintown Office
Tara Horvath
Austintown Office
Shaan Howard
Austintown Office
Angela Javorsky
Canfield Office
Justin Johns
Austintown Office
Jessica Johnson
Austintown Office
Jennifer Jones
Austintown Office
Katie Joy
Firestone Farms Columbiana Office
Ted Kegley
Austintown Office
Lorie Kollar
Canfield Office
Stella Kotsatos-Angelo
Austintown Office
Peggy Kratofil-Zilk
Austintown Office
Allison Lepsesty
Austintown Office
Pattie Lewis
Firestone Farms Columbiana Office
Don Logan Jr
Firestone Farms Columbiana Office
Tim Lowry
Austintown Office
Kathy Ludt
Firestone Farms Columbiana Office
Crystal Mackall
Firestone Farms Columbiana Office
Joan Madej
Firestone Farms Columbiana Office
Aeva Maffei
Austintown Office
Tony Maffei
Austintown Office
Tracy Martin
Austintown Office
Tibitha Matheney
Canfield Office
Ron Mauch
Austintown Office
Courtney McCoy
Firestone Farms Columbiana Office
Dave Melidona
Austintown Office
Dave Myers
Austintown Office
Erin Naome
Austintown Office
Funmi Olarewaju
Austintown Office
Caryn Pantaleo
Austintown Office
Valerie Park
Canfield Office
Nicole Perez
Austintown Office
Dave Posey
Firestone Farms Columbiana Office
Matt Pugh
Austintown Office
William Ream
Firestone Farms Columbiana Office
Mark Renzenbrink
Austintown Office
Paula Ricciardi
Firestone Farms Columbiana Office
David Sayre
Austintown Office
Marty Scholze
Austintown Office
Cynthia Sdregas
Austintown Office
Sam Segretario
Austintown Office
Caleb Shaw
Austintown Office
Steve Silvestri
Austintown Office
John Simoudis
Austintown Office
Sara Singh
Austintown Office
Nate Spalding
Austintown Office
Trish Spring
Austintown Office
Susan Stancher
Austintown Office
Sharon Tarnovich
Firestone Farms Columbiana Office
Lisa Tentler
Austintown Office
Carol Testa
Austintown Office
Rachael Thomas
Canfield Office
Jed Thorn
Austintown Office
Mary Jo Ugolini
Austintown Office
Craig Walker
Austintown Office
Jordan Weber
Austintown Office
Charles Willson
Broker Associate
Austintown Office
Mackenzie Bridges-Fedor
Austintown Office
Tyria Burns
Austintown Office
Carole Calton
Austintown Office
Jasmine Carter
Austintown Office
Lexi Chismar
Austintown Office
Sean Javorsky
Canfield Office
Raymond Knight
Austintown Office
Austintown Office
51 N. Wickliffe Circle
Phone: (330) 793 4200
Fax: (330) 793 4201
Firestone Farms Columbiana Office
134 Carriage Drive
Phone: (330) 892 5966
Phone: (330) 482 4423
Phone: (330) 932 0860
Fax: (330) 892 0246
Canfield Office
6715 Tippecanoe Road, Building A, Suite 102
Phone: (330) 967 0621
Warren/Howland Office
8264 E. Market Street
Phone: (234) 806 0004